The Berry Best: Growing and Enjoying Blueberry Bushes this Summer

The Berry Best: Growing and Enjoying Blueberry Bushes this Summer

With summertime just around the corner, we wanted to give our busy parent readers an inside scoop on an easy yet rewarding gardening venture that you can do with the kids: growing blueberry bushes! Not only are blueberry bushes a low-maintenance crop to tend and harvest, but blueberries also boast powerful antioxidants and nutrients that can nourish your family over the summer.

In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how to start growing and maintaining blueberry bushes, as well as some of the surprising health benefits that this delicious fruit has to offer.

Planning Your Blueberry Bush Growing Project

Once you decide that blueberry bushes are a tasty and healthy addition to your summertime garden, the first step is choosing the right spot to plant them. Blueberry bushes prefer slightly acidic soils with a pH range between 4.5 to 5.5, which you can measure using a soil test kit. You can also amend the soil with peat moss or sulfur to make it more acidic if needed.

Blueberry bushes also thrive in areas with full sun exposure, so keep that in mind when selecting a spot in your garden. The ideal planting time is in early spring or fall when the ground is moist but not saturated with water. Make sure to space out your blueberry bushes at least 4-6 feet apart to allow for ample growth and airflow.

Caring for Your Blueberry Bushes

Once you have your blueberry bushes planted, it’s important to maintain them properly so that they can grow and produce fruit throughout the summer. Watering should be done consistently, making sure that the soil stays moist while not being overwatered. A good rule of thumb is to soak the bushes once a week, depending on the amount of rainfall. Mulching your blueberry bushes also helps retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Apply fertilizer regularly to ensure your blueberries have enough nutrients to produce healthy fruit. We recommend using a balanced, slow-release fertilizer with a high percentage of nitrogen, along with other micronutrients like magnesium and iron.

The Nutritional Benefits of Blueberries

Not only are blueberries delicious and easy to grow, but they also pack a punch of nutritional benefits. Blueberries are low in calories but high in dietary fiber, which can help keep your whole family’s digestion on track during summertime. They are also rich in vitamins C, K, and have an impressive amount of antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Ways to Enjoy Your Blueberry Harvest

Once your blueberry bushes are ripe with juicy fruit, it’s time to start thinking about how to enjoy them with your family. Fresh blueberries (washed and dried) make an amazing snack on a hot summer day, either alone or mixed with other fruits in a refreshing fruit salad. You can also add them to baked goods like muffins or cakes, or make a delicious blueberry sauce to top ice cream or pancakes. If you harvest more blueberries than expected, freezing them in an airtight container is a great way to store them long-term to use in smoothies or as toppings for breakfast bowls.


Not only do blueberry bushes make a straightforward and satisfying summertime gardening project, but they also provide your family with tasty fruit. If you’ve never had fresh blueberries, the effort you put in this summer will pay dividends in the years to come. By following these simple tips on growing and maintaining your new blueberries, you can enjoy fresh and ripe fruit while encouraging your kids to appreciate nature’s bounty. We hope that this article sparks your curiosity and desire to start cultivating your blueberry bushes and hope you enjoy that sweet taste of summer!

Try your homegrown blueberries on top of our delicious cornbread!

Mom's Cornbread
No Sugar Cornbread Recipe